Thursday, October 1, 2009

Down to the wire! 9/30/09

Our shippers came today, arriving at 9:00 and departing at 3:00 with approximately 1200-1500 pounds of our belongings and consumables. Because our shipment was so light (we were allowed 8450 lbs) our entire shipment will go by air. Apparently it is cheaper when the shipment is under a certain weight which remains a mystery. We are now using our sleeping bags as all our sheets are en route! Thank goodness we are campers! I saved a one quart pot, one skillet and one knife for cooking until we leave. There will be no gourmet meals.

Last night we packed our suitcases to ensure everything would fit. If not we would put some items with the shipment. As it turned out, we took some things from the shipment and added them to our suitcases. We are all packed except for our carry on luggage.

Tomorrow we have a few errands: take stuff to the dump, pick up a ring of Ron’s that is having an onyx replaced, and a trip to the pharmacy. Wayne and Dana are coming by in the morning to do a final walk through. After the packers left today I washed down the remainder of the drawers and cabinets in the kitchen. I had done some of them while Ron was in Paraguay last week. On Friday we think we have nothing left to do so will take in a movie and go out for dinner. Needless to say we are getting very excited. On Saturday we will get up around 3:15 and head to the airport about 3:50. Our flight leaves at 6:20. We fly direct to NY then have a two hour layover. From there we have a direct flight to Istanbul, a three hour layover (oy!) then a two hour 15 minute flight to Tbilisi! We arrive 4:30 Sunday afternoon. Yippee!

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